Hem Marketing Services

Hem Marketing Services

749 /5 , Makarpura GIDC, Vadodara 390010 Gujarat India
Tel : +91-265-6672343 / 2642343

Range   of   Products   &   Equipment

·       Conveying    Equipment
·         Belt   Conveyor       Flat /  Trough / Clited  /  Portable  / with  Tripper  &  Boom /   Shuttle
·         Bucket   Elevator     Chain   &   Belt  Type
·         Roller   Conveyor    Powerise  /  Gravity
·         Chain  Conveyor 
·         Enmass  Conveyor
·         Screw  Conveyor      Vertilift  &  Rotolift
·         Vibratory  Conveyor
·         Apron   Conveyor
·         Continuous   Formation  Bucket  Elevator
·         Slat   Conveyor
·         Can    &   Bottle   Conveyor
·       Screening  &  Crushing    Equipment
·         Rotary  Screen
·         Vibratory  Screen    Mechanical ,   Electromechanical  &  Electromagnetic
·         De-watering  Screen
·         Hammer  Mill ,     Ring  Granulator
·         Roller   Crusher
·         Feeder   Breaker

·       Feeder   Equipment
·         Belt  Feeder
·         Screw   Feeder
·         Apron   Feeder
·         Reciprocating  Feeder
·         Vibratory   Feeder
·         Auger  Screw  Feeder
·         Rotary  Feeder
·         Rotating  Table  Feeder
·         Volumetric  Feeders

·       Equipment    for  Feed  Mill  Plants
·         Hammer   Mill
·         Ribbon  Blander
·         Molasses   Mixture
·         Pellet   Mill
·         Pellet   Cooler
·         Screw   Conditioner
·         Batch   Mixture   Machine

·       Other    Equipment   &    Fabrication
·         Hopper ,   Silo,    &   Bins
·         Various  Kind    Pneumatic  Instrumentation   Job
·         Control   Penal  for   above  Equipment  &   System
·         Structural   Steel   Works
·         Slide   Gate,     Idlers,   Roller,  Pulleys,   Hanger Bearings   ECT.
·         BOPP  Tape  Sealing   Machine



·       Equipments  for  Solid  waste  Managements  Project

o   Aspirator  Separator   with  Cyclone  Separator
o   Liquid  add   Mixture
o   Distoner
o   Tromell   Screen

·       Special   Purpose  Equipments
o   Wagon  Loader
o   Bucket  Wheel  Loader
o   Stacker
o   Grader   Machine
o   Jantri  Machine
o   Vertical    lifting  & Discharge  machine